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Russell Hansen

Russell Hansen

Office of Digital Humanities

Russell Hansen wears so many hats that no job title could capture all the ways that he supports the teaching, learning, and cultural development in the College of Humanities. He is a consummate professional who has fulfilled his mission-critical workload so effortlessly and reliably for almost 25 years, that it is easy for others to take his efforts for granted. Especially because his exemplary service is so often overlooked, there is no one more deserving recipient of the Ben E. Lewis Management Award.

Since 2000, Russell supervised the College of Humanities Testing Center where he helps instructors prepare examinations of many different kinds. Some tests include complex integrations with multimedia, which has undergone tectonic shifts from cassette tapes to compact discs to internet streaming. Tens of thousands of BYU students have taken tests that Russell helped prepare and administer. Russell is gifted at recognizing needs, and over the course of his career, his responsibilities have gradually expanded far beyond his original job description, even including teaching computer programming courses! Most notably, after a long-time colleague retired in 2017, Russell also began supervising the Humanities Learning Commons, administering the Y-video streaming service, and media support for the International Cinema program. He has supervised several hundred student employees, and it is easy to see that they love working with him.

Russell Hansen is as competent and reliable as an administrative employee can be. When Russell agrees to do something, it will be done before the deadline, and it will be done well. He can get difficult or sensitive projects completed efficiently. Especially considering how drastically the multimedia landscape has changed over the years, it is remarkable how effortlessly Russell has adapted and even thrived in circumstances that demand rapid learning and restructuring.

Russell is an effective supervisor. He trains and supervises several dozen employees every semester, and it is truly impressive to see how quickly they become proficient and productive. He runs a tight ship with clear expectations, and his student employees rise to the challenge. At the same time, it is delightful to see how he fosters a culture of friendship, mutual support, and fun among his team. Russell’s student employees have front row seats in a masterclass on Teamwork. Many of Russell’s responsibilities are crucial, yet thankless jobs that are easy to undervalue. His work has impacted tens of thousands of students, hundreds of instructors, and several hundred student employees, but he is happy to take on humble jobs, like managing door access codes.

His circumspect wisdom, professional attitude, and results-oriented efficiency reflect an admirable commitment to the Mission of the University and to the success of his students.