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Jennefer Johnson

Jennefer Johnson

CE Conferences and Workshops

Jennefer Johnson serves to guarantee the extraordinary success of Women's Conference every year. She is a responsible, enthusiastic, and generous organizer. Jennefer is talented and hardworking, but most of all she adds to that a rare consistency that truly sets her apart. Jennefer is a problem solver. Whether it be evenings, weekends, early mornings, or in the middle of a Continuing Education program, she is always accessible and willing to tackle difficult issues.

Jennefer is good with people. She manages disgruntled attendees with professionalism and kindness. She treats presenters, attendees, and peers with respect and fairness. She communicates clearly and effectively in both writing and in person. She is friendly and positive and maintains relationships for years. She masterfully interacts with Church General Officers and General Authorities, who hold her in high esteem.

Jennefer is service oriented. Saying that she goes “above and beyond” expectations is an understatement. She has devoted almost three decades to BYU and its mission. Her personality is such that she does not seek praise or attention, but that does not mean it is undeserved. Jennefer is faithful. She has a strong testimony despite incredible personal difficulties and disappointments. She lives with integrity and has high personal standards based on deeply held values. She lives those standards consistently. She is a wonderful representative of the Lord and the University.

Jennefer quite honestly demonstrates every one of the criteria values. First, she is singularly competent. Every year, largely thanks to Jennefer, Women’s Conferences are a resounding success, including, and quite miraculously, the first Women's Conference after Covid, when she had NO committee to work with. She is innovative. On the service side of Women's Conference, she is constantly thinking of how to improve. Old successes are repeated, but new types of service are introduced to expand and deepen this part of the conference experience. Under her watch, sister-to-sister events have been introduced, giving sisters, who are not able to attend Women's Conference in person, an opportunity to connect with the General Leadership and with Relief Society sisters the world over. This leads to the final point: how deeply Jennefer feels about respect and belonging for all individuals: she wants every sister in the church to experience, know, and be blessed by their place in the worldwide community of sisters! She is serious about reaching as many souls as the Women's Conference possibly can and making the conference an event that "succor[s] the weak, lift[s] up the hands which hang down and strengthen[s] the feeble knees” (D&C 81:5). Jennefer lifts and loves like that every day.

Jennefer richly deserves recognition for her unfailing commitment to BYU, to BYU Women's Conference, and to the Mission of the University!