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Michael Ralls

Michael Ralls

IT Network

Mike "Sparty" Ralls has long been one of the driving forces for OIT’s success. As the leader of the teams responsible for designing and installing the campus network, he is meticulous in his efforts and leadership. There is not another person in OIT more focused on Accountability and Results, and his track record shows it. The thing that makes Mike so amazing is that he can do so while showing respect and belonging for all individuals and fostering teamwork. Those who report to him love him and feel inspired to reach above and beyond. The mission of BYU is ingrained in his DNA – he gives tirelessly, often devoting Saturdays and days off to making sure that others aren’t waiting on him. If that isn’t enough, he provides the same level of service to BYU-Idaho and BYU-Hawaii, finding challenges and improving not only his direct responsibilities, but his entire sphere of influence. In the 5 years he has had responsibilities for CES, he has quickly become a trusted advisor to the CIOs on each campus. There is not a more deserving individual for this award.

Mike Ralls is a prime example of accountability and results. He carefully estimates what needs to be done, what it will cost and how long it will take. And then he delivers. Every time. But Mike isn’t an individual contributor, he leads a large team of network installers, project managers, pathway engineers and documentation specialists. He manages the team with love, concern and accountability that permeates the organization. In doing so, he absolutely exemplifies respect for sacred resources through the careful, calculated reduction of unnecessary spending - totaling millions of dollars of reduced IT infrastructure spending in the past five years. His trademark leadership style is one of teamwork, focusing on building the team, and holding them accountable. He regularly exceeds expectations and is a man of his word. He is a strong mentor of students and lives the gospel of Jesus Christ in all that he does.